Chapter Eight

You need four things here:

1. A Burning Desire/Positive Mindset

2. A hot selling product

3. A Startegy and A working System

4. Traffic

The moment you have signed up as an affiliate, start feeding and filing

your mind with the right stuffs, this is what will keep your mind at it's

optimal level and keep you in the right energy, you need an optimized

Mind to work Online.

The next thing is studying what is inside your course, in this process you

will learn about the affiliate market place in the platform you are

working under, and the different product listed there. You have to do a

product survey or resesrch to pick the best product to promote. As an

affiliate you can promote any product on your affiliate marketplace, but I

will tell you the hottest product right now that you can go for which are

products on affiliate marketing, Amazon KDP, Freelancing., Relocation,

Ecommerce and many more. I listed it according to the hottest. Then

next is to get your Unique affiliate link for the product you wish to


Now, you are going to make this sale from people you are meeting on

the street of social media, which can be ticktok, Facebook, Instagram,

twitter, etc. All this people will eventually end up in your WhatsApp

when any sale is about to be closed, so you are supposed to take your

WhatsApp seriously especially your WhatsApp status. by sharing an

engaging/valuable contents that will Nurture these people, it should

motivate, attract, compel and convince your audience to buy what you


Third part is, you should come up with a strategy. What really worked for

me and also worked for my students was organizing classes, Your first

class being the most Important; I usually tell my new students to choose

any topic they feel will help their audience in any way or teach anything

that their audience will appreciate, it could be on any topic; Flyer

making, Animation, ebook creation, Facebook Ads, Mindset, WhatsApp

Marketing, public speaking, any thing you know that will be helpful to

people, create a good looking flyer and use it to invite people to that

class by sharing to your existing contacts, to your friends, to groups you

belong to etc 

What this will help you do is that it will give you authority fast as people

who participate in your class and really learnt something valuable will

automatically start looking up to you like a coach and not just that, they

will come to like you and possibly trust you.

In this class, Connect what you teach them to the product you plan to

promote, there is always a way to do it. You can add it as part of what you

will be teaching in your webinar, so once you have successfully taught

them the free training you promised, you can go ahead and run the

training on what you are promoting. The thing is that because you have

given them something valuable for free, they would naturally come to

like you, know you better and probably trust you to do business with you.

Then use the powerful strategy of selling offers to compel them. Offers

are what these people will gain when they take action. If you did a good

product research and studied what you promote well, you will be able to

craft compelling offers as that product already has some offers built

around it.

Don't just run that webinar and abandon them like that, selling is

psychological so you need to nurture them more by continuing dropping

valueable stuffs for them targeted at using it to sell your product to them.

Finally, make sure that more people are seeing you every single day!

TRAFFIC is the lifeblood of selling, the higher the number of persons who

knows what you are doing, the higher your chances at making that sale.

All my students that I guided on how to do this made more than one sale

on their first webinar. So you see, even if it is only this chapter that you

take seriously in your affiliate journey, you are going to succeed fast and

that's the truth.

Note: Make sure that all your social media platforms are well optimized;

use a good profile picture, give a bio that helps people know what you do

and don't try to come out as the perfect one. You are a solution provider,

let your Profile make people see you as a human like them who have

something valuable to offer.
