We become what we think or say, I don't know how many times
you have heard this but I simply want to let you know that "ITS
TRUE"! Your Mindset holds the key to your success", I'm sure just
like I did for so long, you may probably be seeing the above
statement as a motivational talk geared towards making you
believe in stupid stuffs...
Your Mind is the soil on which your seed (result) in anything is planted,
incubated and birthed; the way we think about things and the way we
Perceive things has all the power to make us or break us.
One's mindset mostly takes and reflect on them inform of Low self￾esteem, Fear or Doubts, and unless we work on our Mind, we will be
powerless. It doesn't matter how hard you try, if your Mind isn't
convinced that you will succeed, you will keep Failing.
Everything changed for me when I started taking the above statement
seriously cos that was when I started working on my Mind to always see
Positive only, Think Positive & Focus only on the POSITIVE! And I hope
you start taking it seriously too.
I have studied all my successes in life and the first natural principle
that was responsible for any advancement especially in business is
the installation of a healthy mentality. Positive Mindset is KEY!
Af irm & Believe
✔ I Can Do It!
✔ I am Capable & Responsible
✔ I Believe in Myself!
✔ If others Can, then I CAN too!
✔ I Love Myself & I choose Growth!
✔ I have Everything Required To
✔ I Am A SUCCESS Story!
Your Mind is the soil on which your seed (result) in anything is planted,
incubated and birthed; the way we think about things and the way we
Perceive things has all the power to make us or break us.
One's mindset mostly takes and reflect on them inform of Low self￾esteem, Fear or Doubts, and unless we work on our Mind, we will be
powerless. It doesn't matter how hard you try, if your Mind isn't
convinced that you will succeed, you will keep Failing.
Everything changed for me when I started taking the above statement
seriously cos that was when I started working on my Mind to always see
Positive only, Think Positive & Focus only on the POSITIVE! And I hope
you start taking it seriously too.
I have studied all my successes in life and the first natural principle
that was responsible for any advancement especially in business is
the installation of a healthy mentality. Positive Mindset is KEY!
In this chapter I‟m going to tell you how to install a positive
mentality so you can attain success in every area.
When we talk about mindset, what's really mindset?
Mindset is a set of belief systems that governs the way we think and
act, sponsored by the realities we have been exposed to. Most times
people build their Mindset based on their past Experiences!
Your realities have a participation in changing your mindset, when I
talk about realities I mean;
You can correlate this definition with my story about how my
Mentality shifted from believing it is not possible to make money
legally online or sell to people online to believing it is possible to
make money legally online... n guess what? I have done it over and
over! Made my first 300k with Pure organic method; no Ads, no Extra
hands, no guru support.
It was strictly done doing everything I was learning (which is what I
have come to share in this book) and doing it like my life depended
on it! Actually, my life depended on it cos I borrowed 40k to get
started and I had no penny in savings left as I added my last card
money to complete my registration fee... I practically drank garri
majorly to cope as I don't really like the idea of begging all the timeIf you me on Facebook you must have read some of my story
In this chapter I‟m going to tell you how to install a positive
mentality so you can attain success in every area.
When we talk about mindset, what's really mindset?
Mindset is a set of belief systems that governs the way we think and
act, sponsored by the realities we have been exposed to. Most times
people build their Mindset based on their past Experiences!
Your realities have a participation in changing your mindset, when I
talk about realities I mean;
