Have you wondered how come

someone with:

No Shop,

No product importation,

No product warehousing,

No shipping & delivery,

No customer service,

No recruiting,

Can be earning multiple 6figs and

millions inside his/ her room simply

cos they are connected to the


Do you probably ever feel it's due to

some supernatural power or just a mere

thing of luck?

How many times have you had to pay

your bills; Electricity, water, security,

school fees, etc through your phone

instead of going to queue in the bank or

some establishments for that purpose

just like in past?

In the previous page we discussed the power of Mindset in achieving success

or seeing a desired result in anything, by now you should realize that it is

your MINDSET and nothing else that has been your barrier to achieving or

doing lots of stuffs online epecially with regards to making money.

This barrier has probably robbed you from taking up the biggest & greatest

opportunity in 21st century which is the ability to work, earn and build your

dream with the help of your gadget (phone or Laptop) using the internet.

Now! Its right and most especially important that you learn the truth

and use this truth to set your feet matching on the path of easy Wealth.

There is a secret method through which anybody who

understands English, who has a phone, and has connection to

the internet can be banking in thousands and millions from the

comfort of their homes, from any part of the world and in the

middle of their daily normal Jobs.

Earning with your Phone is no longer a question of "I can" or "I

cannot", it's now "a must", because when a new beat is

introduced on a dance floor, you must change to/adapt a new

dance step to suit the new beat. Failure to do this and insist on

your old dance step will only show you as a mad man or a

shameless bad dancer.

It will be rather foolish to insist on the old method that worked

in past age which was Go to school, Graduate with good grades,

and get a good Job, Marry, take loans to buy house, buy a car,

train your children and spend the rest of your natural life paying

off Debt!

Going to school and having a job is good, but we are talking

about living the life of your dreams and fulfilling that great

Destiny God has deposited in you. Can a school certificate and a

job really assure you of these two things presently? No, they will

only catalyze the process but you need Money and Freedom to

fully maximize your potentials of being educated and having a

good job.

Most people did not go to school, they don't even have a

job in the real sense of what we understand as a "job" but they


Driving the best cars, Living in the best houses, enjoying the

best stuffs out there, traveling the world, shaping the future and

imprinting their names in the sands of time, all because they

understood that education is beyond the four walls of a

University, so they self committed on developing their brain by

investing into themselves, acquiring skills and using it to

become solution providers.

Yes, it has always been the pattern of our parents generation to

approaching and acquiring Wealth by firstly; going to school,

then get good grades and secure a good job, then get loans and buy

or pay for the good things they needed like cars, houses, or vacations,

and then spend the rest of their working life paying back those


It should not be surprising when they agitate/push you to get good

grades in school, and once you graduate, get a good Job. Meanwhile

hope you know the full meaning of Job is "Just Over Broke"? Now

before you argue that there are real High paying job, I'm not

disputing that fact, but I hope you also know this; that Time is the

most expensive commodity and true wealth is when you've the

freedom to live life at your own terms, so if your high paying job don't

allow you the time freedom to be around the people you love, travel

to places you love at your convenience, live a fulfilled life of seeing

your dreams come true, then there is need for a plan B.

The thing is that your parent don't know about these, besides their

own parents used their job to train them well and offer them a

Comfortable life, they in their own right, used their job to train you

and your siblings and offer you a Comfortable life, it's rather natural

that they expect you to get a job and use it to train your own children

and offer them a Comfortable life...

looking at our time and space, the world is now a global village that

we can see how someone in another continent is living their life,

thinking of how outrageous outbreak of Pandemics can get every

soul on earth shut indoor for 365days or more, seeing how high cost

of living has become in a deteriorating economy like Nigeria. It's

obvious that maintaining a healthy living in the 21st century is very

hard, and an average parents raising a happy fulfilled Children is no

longer as simple or easy as before.

A job is not a way out! Every single person who is living the life of your

dream is not doing so by just a job, they are probably working as the

CEOs, the Top Salesmen, the Top share holders of the companies

they are working with.
