The act of making money with affiliate marketing is easy when you

learn and understand the following skills I will be mentioning in

this chapter. This is particularly why standard affiliate marketing

courses has these skills thoroughly treated cos if you miss these

parts, then you will be stuck for a very longgggggg time. This is why

I don't encourage anybody signing up to learn affiliate marketing

strictly via affiliate account, it is most advisable to get a training


Here are the 3 top skills you must thoroughly learn and understand

to successfully do well as an affiliate Marketer:

The beautiful thing is that, as you are trying to learn and

understand these skills, once you are practicing and making

attempts to implement while under the process, YOU WILL START

MAKING SALES! (This is why affiliate marketing is practically the

easiest business out there; You earn as you Learn).

Content Creation/Copywriting: Once you sign up to learn affiliate

marketing, the first and most important skill you are to get

acquainted with is CONTENT Creation and Copywriting. This is the

key way to achieve 3things immediately: first is Draw attention to

yourself & put yourself out there, second is Build an authority

especially in regards to what you wish to promote, and third is

Define your personality & ninche to your Audience.

Content Creation/Copywriting is how to get

people's attention without necessarily making Your WhatsApp status, your Facebook post, your tweets on twitter, your

Instagram post, all this are the avenues to post your content and if you

are truly sharing valuable content in whichever regards, it could be on

your lifestyle, your business, your Services etc. People will definitely

connects more with you and if it gets to a level where you need them to

do anything like buy something or join your class, they will gladly do

that cos you already built an authority using your content.

them realize what is going on. It is simply using

your writing skills to potray and tell people about

your poduct or services or skills in such a way

that distinguishes you from the crowd and

Compels them to completely choose you, what you

offer and choose working with you.

Sales Funnels Building & Systems: As someone that is new in affiliate

marketing, I suppose you are diligently building on your Content

creation which should be easy so far as you are going through your

training, following your mentor or others doing well in the biz by

checking out the kind of things they share or do, people should be

messaging you to either appreciate your content, share their opinion on

your post, or find out about what you do or who you are.

The best thing is to try connecting with these people first to build your

KLT factor, this is a very crucial part of sales funnels, KLT simply means

KNOW, LIKE and TRUST . One of the biggest mistakes most newbies

make is that once anybody message them, the next thing they are

telling the person is to "come and buy". No! I don't want you to fall under

that category cos you'll be shutting off your chances of selling even

before the real selling begins. For the sale to happen this people must

feel connected to you, and if your content is serving its purpose well, it

should be easy.

You are supposed to first genuinely meet people at the level where they

are, give them room to know you, like you and trust you. Your first sales

mostly will come from your already existing Audience (people who

already know you like your friends, classmates, or neighbors), and reason

is because this people already qualified under your KLT factor check.

Under sale funnel building you also will learn how to generate your

customized link which is what you will use and bring people to your

WhatsApp for closing sales. Sales funnel system is also where running

webinars falls, doing video training etc all this fall under this category

cos you are trying to achieve one thing; help people know you and

understand what you do. Now this is just the traditional way to build

sales funnel.

Lead Generation: Lead generation is the act of bringing more

people to see what you are selling, promoting or doing. Lead or Traffic is

an online business terminology that simply means PEOPLE. Actually, like I

said before, it doesn't matter if you sell human life or you are the best

Medical Surgeon in the world, if less people knows about/sees you...

hunger will kill you. This is the reason people who owns shop at places

with high human influx like Market, or Motor Parks, or Strategic junctions

always sell more than people who are at places where there are very few

people like in the street, village, etc.

When it comes to selling online, Traffic is everything. So the moment you

are working real well on your Content game, and you are building your

sales funnel by channelling the people connecting to you to your major

sales funnel which is WhatsApp, and you are using your WhatsApp status

to nurture this people still using quality content, the next important thing

is to start building your list.

Leads Generation is of 2 types: Organic Lead Generation and Paid Traffic

Generation. Normally as a newbie, I will tell you to use Organic method

first, the reason is because it will help you understand how the selling

process and other stuffs about affiliate marketing actually works. It helps

you to know what works for you and what doesn't, eg: Is it webinar or one

on one that works better for you, is it Facebook or Instagram content that

usually give you the higher result, Is it Cold Dms or Group engagement

that works better? And lots more! All this will be easier if you learn it

without spending money, but imagine where you just spent money to get

started, and then you are now spending more money on generating leads

that you don't even know how or what to do to convert them. You will

most definitely give up instantly.

Now we are Nigerians and we are selling majorly to the Nigeria people.

Usually, when it comes to generating leads Organically, the easiest way to

get people to actually pay attention to you, is for you to have something

that they need which you can offer them for free. Nigerians loves free

things! It could be anything.

I used Facebook to build my list and thats because I was always giving out

quality content & opportunities for them to learn something from me or

recieve something from me basically free, wecall this lead Magnet..
