What is Affiliate Marketing?

 What is

Affiliate Marketing?

1. Affiliate Marketing is simply

anything you do that has to do

with linking up a buyer and a


2. It's a model where you help a

company or individuals advertise

their products and you get paid

for doing so...

3. Affiliate Marketing is selling

other people's product online

and earning a commission

whenever a sale is made. .

Everyone has done or is doing affiliate marketing

How many times have you help connect

your sister to the lady that did your hair?

Or connect your aunt to the place you

bought your beautiful hair and


How many times have you helped your

friend get a buyer for his car? How many

times have you recommended your car

engineer to your family members?

How Affiliate Marketing really works!

Everyone has done or is

doing affiliate marketing

So I went to the market to get a particular kind of strapped heel

shoe at Sir Jordan plaza and I was just going from one shop to

another like someone that don't know where she was going.

People stopped calling me to buy from them because I was

considered a wanderer in the market.

A young man finally approached me and spoke my language, he

asked “what kind of strapped heel shoe are you looking for”.

Wow! this guy has been watching me walk around and he was just

studying my behavior just like Facebook algorithm. He knew I was

looking for a strapped heel, I felt relieved and related my problems

to him which was difficulty in getting a particular colour of the

strapped heel shoe I was looking for. I went ahead to explain to him

that I was scared of relating to anyone initially because they may

give me fake or hike the price.

Under a minute, he took me to a shop that had exactly what I

was looking for, I bought it immediately and thanked him for

helping me to finally achieve what I wanted...

Now this guy is not the onwer of the shop he took me to neither

is he the onwer of the shoe I bought. He is simply an Affiliate

Marketer who connect a buyer (me in this case) to the seller and

the moment I bought, he got a commission from the shop owner

because he is the one that made the salesl happen... Who knows,

the shop owner may not have even sold anything before this guy

brought me.

So at the end, I am happy that my problem of finding the exact

shoe I came for is solved, the shop/product owner is happy that

he made a sale, the guy that connected me to the seller is happy

cos he received a commission for doing so....

So technically EVERYBODY IS HAPPY in this business model.

No risk!

No loss of anything!

Just happiness and gain on all side.

Affiliate Marketing is just that business model that teaches you

all about sales & marketing and shows you how to leverage on

other people's products.

This business model only need your willingness to learn, and

implement what you learn, it doesn't require you to have a shop

or order products, or deliver products, or do any customer

services. Everything has been taken care of for you.

Affiliate marketing on the online space can be done both for

digital products, and physical products. Platforms like Jumia

sells physical products like electronics, Tv, Bags, Gadgets etc.

Then some others sell only Digital products, the option will

always be yours to decide the type of product to affiliate with.
